SHOOTERS: Steven Haddad

"SHOOTERS" is the start of a new series featuring photographers from around Texas. Digital Icon chats with photographers about inspirations and goals. Enjoy.


Digital Icon asks...

What/who got you inspired to be a photographer? Always being interested in the art of photography and finally being jealous enough of what I saw people create to want to create my own.  


Who are some of your favorite photographers? Some of my favorite photographers would be Kai Bottcher and Jonas Jaschke out of Germany, Haris Nukem out of London and Corwin Prescott out of Seattle.  


Who is your favorite photographer that nobody knows about yet? My favorite photographer that nobody knows about yet is every young photographer that picks up a camera and has the drive to learn this craft that I love so much.  


Whats your biggest complaint about the model/photog industry? My biggest complaint about this industry would either have to be when people that I shoot with don't respect my time.   


Whats the wildest question you've gotten in the dms? I fortunately have not had any insane messages asking me to do anything crazy just yet, but I'm hoping one day I'll be known enough to get that.  


Any Major projects your working on? I am my biggest project.  Always making sure to shoot as much as I can and be as versatile as I can be.  


What are some long term goals? I would like to own my own photography studio.


Short term goals? First to just always get better at photography and always make sure I'm learning and second to get my name out there as much as possible so I can become a traveling photographer. 


Whats some advice for new photographers? Just trust yourself and know that you don't have to be like everyone else in order to succeed.  


Whats some advice for new Models? Believe in yourself and practice, practice, practice.  Know what you look like and make poses second nature, like muscle memory and learn everything you can from other models and photographers.  


What's some of the hardest sacrifices you have made trying to be a photographer? Time!!!! The time that has to be put in away from friends and loved ones to make a name for myself with doing this.  


Whats your dream setup (gear)? I would love to have access to a beautiful studio with a solid light setup and plethora of lenses at my disposal whether I use them all the time or not.  


Who is a famous personality you would love to work with?  Famous model wise Samii Ryan or Alysha Nett, famous celebrity wise Jennifer Lawrence or Charlize Theron


Any info about yourself you would like people to know? I have been passionate about so many things in my life but I have never been utterly obsessed with anything the way that I am with photography.


Give me 5 Songs on your music playlist.  

-JP Cooper- Party

-Jack Garrat- Surprise Yourself

-Outkast- Rosa Parks

-Allen Stone- American Privilege 

-St. Paul & the Broken Bones- I'm Torn Up


favorite last words or quote?- "You can't have no in your heart" - Joe Dirt 

Find Steven on Instagram @my_life_my_lens


Steven's Shooter Portfolio