Tips for "Breaking In" to Those Closed Books

Tired of hearing “my books are closed”? Really want a tattoo from that amazing artist you keep hearing about?


Tattoos have become one of the most popular accessories we wear. No matter who you are, you have always “wanted a tattoo.” When it becomes time to cash in on that, and actually book an appointment, you can run in to several roadblocks. One of the biggest hurdles is getting on the books of a busy artist. It can become frustrating, and could possibly lead you to booking an artist who’s style is similar to the original artist you want, but its just not the same.. No matter how you have justified giving up on that extra special artist, you just don’t feel the warm and fuzzies you expected.

Here’s what the artist recommend to help you break in to those hard to crack books!

  1. Most artist will have a few predrawn options they really would like to put on some skin. Predraws are typically a design the artist drew up in their spare time. These designs are original artwork that the artist has on hand ready to go at any moment.

    If the thought crosses your mind that this wouldn’t be the full experience you are looking for, well have no fear. Tattoo Artist like any other artist use their craft to fill time, and relieve stress. A predrawn design doesn’t mean you are getting a lesser tattoo, it sometimes mean you are getting a piece that has helped them get through an evening or helped them cope in a stressful event. These deigns are closer to the artist than can be imagined. The bonus to getting a tattoo the artist has on hand is there is no “drawing time”. You can’t begin to understand how awesome it is for an artist to not have to rush and draw up your tattoo the night before. Predraws are a great way to get exactly what your artist wants to tattoo!

  2. All artist have a style, make sure what you are looking for is an option in the style the artist would tattoo. The quickest way to lose an artists attention is asking them to do something in a style different than their own.

    Obviously you appreciate the style the artist has been tattooing, why ask the to so something they are not remotely interested in?

  3. Inquire about a cancelation list! If your artist doesn’t have a list give them a few dates you would be interested in if they have a cancellation. Combined this with another tip and you have a great chance of catching the artists eye.

  4. Don’t be boring! Don’t ask for a Pinterest tattoo… Come up with something that is different. A cool, unique, and/or funny tattoo is going to captivate the artist. Their mind will start spinning and the outcome will be something you could never dream up yourself. If you found the tattoo online, then so have hundreds of others. There is nothing more upsetting to an artist than to ask them to tattoo artwork someone else created.

  5. Go big or go home! Going large scale can guarantee you interest. Wanting an artist to blast your whole back shows how much you enjoy their work. If you trust an artist enough to take on a huge project, they will make sure to give you priority over the smaller boring work. Be ready to spend some time with them. To ensure both of your comfort, ask about preferences. Does your artist like to put on headphones and zone out? Do the same! If they want to talk it up, find some common ground. You have to put in the work to get the work!


6. Be “that” client! The one the artist can remember. Be kind and chill. Don’t do the things your artist has asked you not to do! Don’t call when text has been requested. Don’t text when dm’s have been requested… Be the easy client who comes in and sits like a rock, and bonus for an awesome tattoo idea! TIP.

7. Be ready to come in last minute. Cancellations happen and when they do they are normally on short notice. Artist take to social media to notify followers their appointment has been canceled. Jump on it! Who knows when you will luck up again.

8. Remind them! Artist forget things like any of us. If you feel your artist has forgotten to get back with you, you are probably right! Contact them again with a gentle reminder. They don’t mind a nudge here and there, just don’t go over board!

9. Keep an eye on IG for updates! Be quick and willing to jump in that day!

10. Artistic Freedom!!! You mention allowing the artist artistic freedom and watch how quick a spot opens up! This doesn’t mean you have no say. It means you tell the artist “I just love your style! I’m looking to get an insane piece to remember my grandfather by. Would you be interested in taking that on? Artistic freedom is yours!”. The artist will talk to you about details. In the end you get the eye catching art and the artist gets to use their imagination and create!

Even if this list doesn’t help you jump the line, hopefully it helps you get on the books of that badass tattoo artist you’ve been watching.